
The definition of self care is: an activity you can do voluntarily which helps you maintain your mental, physical and emotional health.

It can make you feel healthy, relaxed and ready to take on new responsibilities.

Most of us see self care as a selfish pursuit. How can we care for others when we are not being fulfilled.

Self care should not be seen as an emergency when our life is heading into the toilet. Self care should be an intentional way of living, our values, our attitudes and how we integrate these into our lives.

To make self care a regular part of our life we need to command participate in it fully to make it happen.

We will have our own unique self care plan that will change over time with our own changing desires and needs. We should not have to do more to introduce self care into our life.

It requires us to be move giving, more loving and kinder to ourselves without judgement, worry or that side order of guilt that usually go with self care.

I urge you to put your own needs before the ones you love. I know this sounds counterintuitive but by filling our own tank and doing things for us before helping them.

You know that spiel they repeat on the aircraft over and over. In the case that you need oxygen, the mask will fall from the roof, place your mask on yourself before you help others.

They key areas you should look at:

Get some rest – Most of us are running around around on to little sleep. Research shows us that being tired and driving a car is equivalent to having a blood alcohol content of .10. It negatively impacts how we make decisions. It also prevents our bodies from repairing and regenerating to the level that is required. Take the time when you need it and rest.

Feed your body – Feed your body food that will sustain and nourish you. Food feeds your gut and brain. Make sure the food you eat is fibre rich to enhance your gut bacteria.

Be Still – Stillness gives us a chance for our mind and body to connect with our spirit. By slowing down and listening we are guided to what’s next, what’s serving us and what’s not serving us. Take some time daily to be still and quiet throughout the day.

Enjoy yourself – What do you do for fun? It shouldn’t take a long time to answer as you should be doing something fun everyday. We often find ourselves stuck in a rut, so if you are not having fun it’s time to change things up.

Speak up – If you are not happy where you are speak up and let people know what needs to change for it to work for you. Don’t wait thinking they should know.You will always be disappointed.

Move it – Exercise is an important part of self care. Whether that is Crossfit or walking around the block. Exercise helps reduce our stress levels. It also makes us feel good. No matter what you do. Do something daily!

Laugh daily – Life can be challenging for all of us. Laughing everyday helps us release endorphins and feel good about life. Non of us our getting out of here alive so we may as well enjoy while we are here.

Self care is our responsibility. We will not get the benefits unless we proactively include it into our daily life.

What are you doing to increase your level of self care?

If you would like to know more about how I could help you, book in for a free 15 minute GUT HEALTH ASSESSMENT and let’s get you started.

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